Many experts and laymen would agree that user testing improves usability of products and services. In the accessibility world, it is seen as obvious that involving end users with disabilities is key to successful implementation of accessibility requirements.

But when asked, the majority of organisations, public as well as private, claim not to carry out user testing. The few who do, are not testing with people with disabilities. There seems to be a gap somewhere … we decided to develop a project to bridge that!

Trying to make a long-term change, the project aims to increase the skills of UX-students to address the needs of all users in their professional roles. UX-design encompasses the study of all aspects of an end-user’s interaction with a product, system or service. A key part of the UX profession involves different kinds of user research.

Building expertise and empowerment

The project will develop a training course focused on user testing with people with disabilities. A set of recommendations on how to integrate accessibility and inclusion in the role of UX professionals will be co-created with a wide range of stakeholders.

A handbook for trainers will provide university staff with knowledge on how to create a more inclusive learning environment. This will help to develop new practices based on the research carried out in the project.


Consortium: Turiba University (Latvia, Project Coordinator), SUSTENTO (Latvia), University of Maribor (Slovenia), National Council of Disability Organizations of Slovenia, NSIOS (Slovenia), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), Autismo Sevilla (Spain) and Funka (Sweden).
Funding: ERASMUS+
Budget: 250 000 EURO
Period: September 2022 – August 2024

Project number: 2022-1-LV01-KA220-HED-000087964

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